Contact Contact

Contact お問い合わせ



Please contact us through the contact form.
Please read our Privacy Policy before using the contact form.
If you agree to the content of our policy, please fill out the contact form below, then click on the “Proceed to confirmation screen” button.
Depending on the content of your inquiry, we may not be able to respond immediately.

お問い合わせ項⽬ Inquiry 必須
お名前 Name 必須
会社名・組織名 Organization name 任意
電話番号 Telephone number 必須
メールアドレス Email address 必須
お問い合わせ内容 Message 必須

*Your inquiry can only be sent if you agree to the content of our Privacy Policy




a) お客様のご要望に合わせたサービスをご提供するための各種ご連絡。

b) お問い合わせいただいたご質問への回答のご連絡。

  • ・公正かつ適正な手段で、上記目的に必要となる個人情報を収集します。
  • ・要配慮個人情報を取得する際は、ご本人の同意を得るものとします。
  • ・取得した個人情報は、ご本人の同意なしに上記利用目的以外では利用しません。
  • ・情報が漏洩しないよう対策を講じ、従業員だけでなく委託業者も監督します。
  • ・国内外を問わず、法令により認められる場合を除き、ご本人の同意を得ずに第三者に情報を提供しません。
  • ・ご本人からの求めに応じ、当該ご本人の個人情報を開示します。
  • ・公開された個人情報が事実と異なる場合、訂正や削除に応じます。
  • ・個人情報の取り扱いに関する苦情に対し、適切・迅速に対処します。
  • ・本個人情報保護方針は、当サイト内で適用されるものです。





Privacy Policy

We respect the privacy of our customers and take thorough precautions to carefully protect and properly manage customer personal information.

【Purposes of Use of Personal Information】

a) To contact customers to provide services tailored to their requirements

b) To respond to inquiries

  • · We collect personal information necessary for the above purposes by fair and appropriate means.
  • · Personal information that requires special care is never collected without obtaining your consent in advance.
  • · The personal information we obtain, including personal information that requires special care, will never be used for purposes other than the stated purposes without your consent.
  • · We have measures in place to prevent leakage of information, and we supervise contractors as well as employees.
  • · We will not provide your information to third parties, whether in Japan or overseas, without your consent.
  • · We will disclose the information we have regarding an individual in response to a request from the person in question.
  • · We will respond to requests to correct or delete your supplied personal information in the event that such information is found to be incorrect.
  • · We will deal appropriately and promptly regarding complaints concerning the handling of personal information.
  • · This Privacy Policy applies only to this website.

【Use of Google Analytics】

This site uses Google Analytics to provide better service and improve usability, and to collect and analyze data such as usage of this site. Google may collect information such as customer's IP address through cookies, but all information collected through cookies is cannot be used to identify you personally.
The collected data is managed under the terms of Googleʼs privacy policy.
By using this website, you are deemed to consent to the processing of data about you by Google and this website in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

<Inquiries concerning personal information>

CLARICO Specified Non-Profit Organization